General Information
Beirut International Airport / Rafic Hariri International
ICAO Code : OLBA IATA Code : BEY Lat/Long : N33-49.1/E035-29.4 Elevation : 85 ft Fuel Available : AVGAS – JETA1 Other fuel type can be secured based on request (73 Octane, 80-87 Octane, 100-130 Octane, 115-145 Octane, Mogas, Jet, Jet A, Jet A-1, Jet B, Jet 4, Jet 5) Local time : Winter Season GMT + 2 (From last Sunday of October till last Sunday of March) Summer Season GMT + 3 (From last Sunday of March till last Sunday of October) Custom : Available 24/7 Immigration : Available 24/7 Visa on Arrival : Available 24/7 Control Tower : Available 24/7 Airport Rules : IFR Runways : Runway No Length Width Surface TDZ-Elev Lighting Displaced Threshold Stopway 03 12467 ft 148 ft Concrete 12 ft Edge, ALS, Centerline 1821 ft 394 ft 21 12467 ft 148 ft Concrete 40 ft Edge, ALS, Centerline 3264 ft 394 ft 16 11138 ft 148 ft Concrete 12 ft Edge, ALS, Centerline 590 ft _ 34 11138 ft 148 ft Concrete 48 ft Edge, Centerline _ 361 ft 17 10663 ft 148 ft Asphalt 85 ft Edge _ 197 ft 35 10663 ft 148 ft Asphalt 36 ft Edge 2789 ft 197 ft
Communication information:
ATIS : 120.600 Tower : 118.900 Ground : 121.900 Approach : 120.300 Radar ACC : 119.300
Suitable nearest Alternates:
- LCLK (Not recommended if you are operating from Turkey) - HECA - OSDI (Please Check international Safety information and Insurance matters before planning to this alternate) - OJAM ( for Small Private Jets only) - OJAI ( for Commercial Aircrafts)
Rejected Alternates: Any Airport Located in Palestine / Israel
Available Terminals: - Main terminal - General Aviation terminal - VVIP terminal (for Governmental use only)
Standard Arrival Procedures (STAR):
Runway 03 Arrival - BALMA 1N - KUKLA 1N - ELIKA 1N Formerly ( SILKO1N ) - CHEKA 1N - KALDE 1N Runway 03 RNAV Arrival - BALMA2N - ELIKA2N Formerly (SILKO2N) - KUKLA2N - LEBOR2N Runway 16 Arrival - BALMA2F - KUKLA2F - ELIKA2F Formerly (SILKO2F) - CHEKA2F - KALDE 2F Runway 16 RNAV arrival - BALMA1X - ELIKA1X - KUKLA1X - LEBOR 1X Runway 17 Arrival - BALMA1A - BYBLO1A - ELIKA1A Formerly known as ( SILKO1A ) - KALDE1A - KUKLA1A Runway 17 RNAV Arrival - BALMA2A - ELIKA2A - KUKLA2A - LEBOR2A Runway 21 RNAV Arrival - BALM1R - ELIK1R - KUKL1R - LEBO1R
Standard Instrument Departure from OLBA (SID): SID Runway No BOD1 17 21 BOD2 34 35 KALDE 2D 17 [KAD2D] 21 KALDE 1E 03 [KAD1E] KALDE 2F 34 [KAD2F] 35 LATEB 1D 17 [LATE1D] 21 LATEB 1E 03 [LATE1E] LATEB 2F 34 [LATE2F] 35 LEBOR 1D 17 [LEBO1D] 21 LEBOR 1E 03 [LEBO1E] LEBOR 2F 34 [LEBO2F] 35